Green Mask Travel & ToursCategory: Travel Agents (Agencies) Description: Green Mask Travel and Tours is a reliable travel agency in BD. Among so many tour operators in BD, we are the one and only travel agency in Dhaka who offers international tour packages from BD at a very affordable cost. Products & Services: Student VISA Processing, Tourist VISA Processing, Cheap Air Tickets Booking (both domestic air ticket and international air ticket), International Tour Packages from Bangladesh, Domestic Tour Packages in Bangladesh Address: 81, Green Taj Center (3rd Floor) Road# 8/A, Dhanmondi Dhaka Dhaka 1209 Bangladesh Phone: 88028192033, +8801780833333 Mobile: 8801780822222 Fax: Last Update Date: 2017-08-18 17:25:16 Entry Date: 2015-10-14 00:00:00 Visits: 2147 Views: 504 |
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