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Libra Computer Aid

Computer Hardware & Networking

Libra Computer Aid (LCA) was established in 1988. LCA not only started its operations with the introduction and marketing of personal computers (PC) but it also served as a provider of total solution to its customer base.

Products & Services:
they provide various brand printers such as, Tally Dascom, Tally Genicom, OKI , Fuji Xerox, Compuprint (GDS), Jolimark, , Microplix, Desko, Access, Acme Electronics, Intermac, Data Products, Docujet.

LCA acted as a supply source for dealers marketing world renowned brands in the country at that time, thus greatly facilitating the maintenance of service and warranty claims by these organizations. LCA is one of the largest ICT (Information & Communication Technology) based distribution company dealing with all types of printers. It is the authorized sole distributor of renowned printer brands like Tally Dascom, Tally Genicom, OKI , Fuji Xerox, Compuprint (GDS), Jolimark, , Microplix, Desko, Access, Acme Electronics, Intermac, Data Products, Docujet. To be a leader in the business of printing solutions by providing enhanced services. To provide quality services that exceeds the expectations of its user. To achieve excellence in the field of printing solutions and to develop a strong base of customers.

Libra Computer Aid, Khuda Buksh Foundation Road No. 11/A, House No. 99 Dhanmondi,

Phone: 88028144277
Mobile: 8801713434376

Last Update Date: 2016-10-23 10:58:03
Entry Date: 2009-02-20 00:00:00

Visits: 1092
Views: 133

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